Message from the President
Leading the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group
as a core group company, we make environmental management and DX central to our business operations

TOKYU LAND CORPORATION is a comprehensive real estate company with operations in Urban Development, Residential, Infrastructure & Industry, Wellness, Overseas Businesses and more. We are a core company of Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group. This year marks 70 years since our founding in 1953; throughout that time, we have sought to create value through novel real estate businesses. Expanding our business domains in line with the changing times and social conditions, we have made progress toward amassing the ideal portfolio. For example, since 2000 we have shifted our primary revenue source from condominiums to offices and commercial facilities. These efforts enabled us to overcome major crises such as the global financial crisis and the Great East Japan Earthquake. Furthermore, having entered the real estate securitization business early, we have worked to establish sound corporate health through steady revenues.
At present, we are leveraging our development capabilities—which are backed by a proven track record—and taking advantage of our steady earning power, as we develop our businesses to implement the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group’s long-term vision, GROUP VISION 2030, and our Medium-Term Management Plan 2025. We will continue advancing our business operations to realize the Group’s ideal vision of creating value for the future.
Guided by the Greater Shibuya Area Concept, we are pursuing development, area management, and barrier-free design in our home ground of Shibuya and its environs. We are also working to make Shibuya a more alluring district: in 2019, for example, we completed two buildings in a large redevelopment project, SHIBUYA SOLASTA and SHIBUYA FUKURAS, and in November 2023 we plan to complete Shibuya Sakura Stage. In addition, we are pursuing environmental management, which is part of the long-term management policy in GROUP VISION 2030, by building power generation plants using energy sources such as solar power, wind power, and biomass throughout Japan. By the end of 2022, we succeeded in utilizing renewable energy generated in our own facilities to supply 100% of the electric power used by all 244 of the buildings we own in Japan. In our Residential Business, we are pursuing a wide range of projects as we work to expand our associated assets and earning power. We are selling condominiums at Harumi Flag Sky Duo—which is officially certified both as Long-Life Quality Housing and as a Low-Carbon Building—as well as at The Tower Jujo, a complex redevelopment project in front of Jujo Station. Other projects include the members-only resort hotel Tokyu Harvest Club VIALA Kinugawa Keisui, which opened for business in December 2022, and development of our Campus Village student residences.
We will continue to closely monitor impacts on the world economy following the COVID-19 pandemic, and we believe that we must further enhance our presence as a real estate company making a positive contribution to society by continuing to focus on the environment and urban development as key concepts in expanding our businesses. We are confident in our ability to carry out this role: we are addressing the environment by strengthening our Infrastructure & Industry Business, which includes electricity generation using renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power, and biomass. At the same time, we are addressing urban development by pursuing our Residential Business and large redevelopment projects such as the Greater Shibuya Area Concept, coupled with a more aggressive overseas business strategy. In addition, we are focusing on digital transformation (DX) by making use of digital technologies at ski resorts and elsewhere. We seek to achieve robust growth centered on environmental management and DX as we strive to innovate our business models by utilizing the resources of the group to generate synergies faster, while constantly looking out for new business opportunities.

President & CEO