About Tokyu Group
Tokyu Group began as Meguro-Kamata Electric Railway Company in 1922. As of April 2017, the group comprises 220 companies and eight other incorporated bodies, headed by the Tokyu Corporation. The cornerstone of the group's business is urban development underpinned by transportation services. For many years its business portfolio has spanned the fields of real estate, lifestyle services, hotels and resorts, business support services and many other activities deeply embedded in the daily lives of its customers.
The group has adopted the slogan "towards an era of beauty" to articulate its mission of creating beautiful living environments attuned to a variety of individual values. Its member companies work together under the principle of corporate autonomy, advancing a synergistic process of "collaborative creation" and building a Tokyu brand that is both trusted and loved.
A proactive approach is also taken to grassroots community service, though work such as the operation of educational institutions and foundations, and the activities of Tokyu Associations nationwide.

Toward a Beautiful Age
―The Tokyu Group