Nursing Care

As part of our efforts to create a workplace in which all employees can flourish, we are proactively working to ensure that employees can balance their careers with their personal responsibilities, including childcare and nursing care, and work with peace of mind over the long term. We have set a target for 100% of eligible male employees to take childcare leave, and to achieve this we are working to increase the understanding of both male employees and those around them by sharing the experiences of male employees who have taken childcare leave, as well as through e-learning programs and other means.

Childcare and Nursing Care Leave Systems

In addition to childcare leave and shortened working hour programs, we offer a range of other programs to help employees adapt to various life events.

Group-Wide Initiatives


We have introduced a flextime system that allows each employee to work in a flexible manner suited to their individual needs.

Remote Work

We have introduced a remote work system in order to accommodate a diverse range of work styles. We have also enabled the use of satellite offices to provide greater work flexibility.

Computer Shutdown

To ensure better work-life balance, all company computers are shut down at 8:00 p.m. unless prior permission is obtained. We encourage our employees to use the time after work hours for personal fulfillment and self-development.

Leave of Absence System

This system allows employees to take a voluntary leave of absence for a certain period for reasons such as accompanying a spouse on a domestic or overseas assignment, or to pursue studies abroad.


Interviews before Taking /Returning from Maternity Leave

In order to ensure a smooth transition into childcare leave and a smooth return to work, we conduct interviews with the employee, his or her manager and the human resources division to explain related systems and discuss work duties and work style after the employee returns to work.

Welcome Baby Leave

If an employee's spouse gives birth, he may take up to five days' paid leave within eight weeks after childbirth. If an employee herself gives birth she may also take up to five days' paid leave within eight weeks after the termination of childcare leave.

Daycare Service for Sick Children

In order to help employees balance work and childcare, we have introduced a supplementary childcare system for sick children provided by a non-profit organization. This allows us to support employees in the event that their child suddenly falls ill or encounters other health problems.

Nursing Care

Nursing Care Leave

Employees may take nursing care leave up to three times for each family member in need of care, for up to 365 consecutive days or 93 consecutive days.