Minoh-Kayano Station Front Plaza will be adjacent to the new station Minoh Kayano Station scheduled to open with the extension of the Kita-Osaka Kyuko Namboku Line in FY2023. The new station will be the terminal station of the Osaka Metro Midosuji Line/Kita-Osaka Kyukuo Namboku Line and is expected to serve 28,000 passengers a day.
Together with the opening of Minoh-Kayano Station, a bus terminal will be built and bus routes substantially reviewed. With the use of the elevated structure (station building) in Minoh-Kayano Station Front Plaza and utilization of the facilities under the elevated structure (stores under railway), the attractiveness of the town will be further enhanced.

*At project proposal stage-subject to change through changes in plans and discussions, etc.

*At project proposal stage-subject to change through changes in plans and discussions, etc.